Femac – Quality politics


FEMAC S.R.L. operates in a context in which other companies, operating for years in the same sector, constitutes strong competition both nationally and internationally.
FEMAC S.R.L. has as its purpose to sell hydraulic mulchers, rear hedge mowers and backhoes and to grow in the target market reaching a significant market share in Italy and abroad.
The Management has established to achieve the certification and operate accordingly to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard in order to gain a prominent position in the market and operate more efficiently in the reference sector.

The Management of FEMAC S.R.L. identifies as the main objectives of the Company Policy:
° Reduce the risks
° Seize opportunities
° Diversify

These general objectives must be shared by all operators and collaborators of the FEMAC S.R.L.

Reduce the risks:
– Planning the production
– Planning the procurement of financial resources
– Planning the employment increase
– Training the staff
– Planning a staff growth path

Seize the opportunities:
– With a reference product on the market
– With a customer care orientation
– Increasing contacts with the customer
– Participation in events and trade fairs in the sector

Diversify through:
– The expansion of the domestic and foreign market
– Customizing the machines to cover the customer’s needs

FEMAC S.R.L. undertakes to respect the laws.
FEMAC S.R.L. undertakes to comply with the applicable regulatory requirements.
FEMAC S.R.L. is committed to the continuous improvement of its Quality Management System.
The Quality Policy is managed as documented information of its QMS.
It is communicated to interested parties through meetings, understood and applied.


Trestina – Citta’ di Castello (PG),  4/02/2021


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